Embark on a journey to Barcelona with GP Solutions as we converge at Phocuswright Europe, the pinnacle event for travel technology aficionados. This year, we’re at the forefront of a groundbreaking theme: Artificial Intelligence in Travel.

The conference promises to cast a spotlight on emergent trends and pressing matters within the European travel sector. Participants will have the exclusive chance to absorb unparalleled knowledge through Stage Speeches, engage in Industry Roundtables, participate in Breakout Sessions, and experience the thrill of the Innovation Launch. All this while forging meaningful connections through face-to-face networking and engaging in pioneering discussions with industry stalwarts and visionaries.

Meet Our Delegates:

  • Sergey, the CEO, and Co-founder, a visionary in travel tech innovation.
  • Niko, the Business Executive Manager, a strategist in business growth.

Sergey and Niko are looking forward to personal encounters where they can share their passion for innovative approaches, advanced technologies, and industry best practices. With a keen understanding of your business objectives, they are ready to tailor innovative solutions that will chart the course for your company’s triumphant future.

Attending Phocuswright Europe 2024? Connect with us to schedule a dialogue with Sergey or Niko. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned attendee, we’re eager to discuss a potential partnership that could set new benchmarks for success.