We are proud to announce that our company has been shortlisted in the Best Technology Partnership category at the prestigious Travolution Awards 2024.

Best Technology Partnership is for tech companies that have a proven track record of delivering enhanced solutions through forging a long-lasting and effective partnership. We share this category together with our strategic partner HotelPORT and are very honored to receive this recognition of our commitment to excellence and innovation in the travel sector. 

It is a great privilege to be recognized among such a distinguished group of nominees,” said our CEO Sergey Zubekhin. “This nomination is a testament to our team’s hard work and their abilities to collaborate with partners. Together, we strive to push the boundaries of what is possible and redefine the future of travel technology.”

Our collaborative partnership with HotelPORT is an ongoing project. Lately, our partner has been actively working on interface design enhancements, while our joint teams are preparing substantial changes for both existing and new clients.

A friendly reminder that last year we entered the same category and emerged the winner. This year’s Travolution Awards, known for celebrating the achievements of companies that drive innovation and excellence in the travel industry, will take place on November 28 in City Central at the HAC, London.

We look forward to the awards ceremony and the opportunity to celebrate with fellow industry leaders. Let us hope this year will be just as lucky for us!