Press Room | GP Solutions - Part 12

Press Room - Page 12

Stay up to date with the latest news of our company

ITB 2017

Meet GP Solutions at ITB Berlin 2017

GP Solutions team visits ITB, Berlin between 8th and 12th of March and has a few meeting slots still available. If you want to hear the latest from the travel technology world - let's meet! Contact us via and we will schedule a meeting!
Christmas tree branches

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

As another year is coming to its end and the holiday spirit is all around, we’d like to wish you a wonderful year filled with wonder, peace, and meaning. Thank you for your business, and may the coming year bring prosperity and fruitfulness in all your undertakings.
wtm london

Meet Us at WTM London 7 – 9 November

GP Solutions team visits WTM, London between the 7th and 9th of November and has a few meeting slots still available. If you want to hear the latest from the travel technology world - let's meet!
Platform redesign

Fresh from the oven: Brand-new B2C Website Templates for GP Travel Platform

They are NEW. Refreshingly user-friendly. Looking good on any device – desktop, tablet or phone. B2C layouts are incredibly flexible. Composed from dozens of different content blocks that can be resized (shrunk or enlarged), moved and hidden - new templates allow you to create unique and unbeatable experience for your end-Clients.

ITB Berlin 2016 Follow Up

There is always a bit of fuss in the first business week following such global events as ITB Berlin. But it's a really pleasant one, for sure. We'd like to thank conveners for great annual networking opportunity, our clients and partners for warm and efficient meetings and our new friends for inspiring business challenges!
ITB 2016

Meet Us at ITB Berlin 9 – 12 March

GP Solutions team visits ITB, Berlin between 9th and 12th of March and has a few meeting slots still available. If you want to hear the latest from the travel technology world - let's meet!

Happy Holidays!

At this gentle season more than ever, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. And there is no time more fitting than now to say: ~Thank you ~ We wish you and all those close to you... a joyous holiday season, a new year of happiness, and hope for a world at peace.
Clutch GP Solutions

GP Solutions among TOP 15 Software Houses!

We are pleased to announce that GP Solutions has been selected for inclusion in the updated report on top 15 IT - companies with Belarus-based software and web development centers. The list is based on the careful analysis of IT - companies with delivery centers in Belarusperformed by - Washington, DC-based analyst firm that identifies top service providers able to deliver valuable results for their clients.
Notes and coffee

Introducing GP Travel Platform Release 6.7

GP Solutions is happy to announce the launch of the GP Travel Platform Release 6.7. GP Product Team worked hard to satisfy the most demanding clients! New release features the usability enhancements and API improvements. We are also excited to inform you about expanded list of travel service suppliers, new options for the corporate clients and the online payments.

GP Travel Platform Release 6.6

GP Solutions is happy to announce the launch of the GP Travel Platform Release 6.6. GP Product Team timed new release to coincide with Christmas Holidays and taking opportunity wishes all of you  Happy and Fruitful New Year!
Present box

NY Greetings from GP Solutions

As this year is drawing to its close and the festive spirit is in the air, we’d like to send you our warmest greetings for the upcoming holidays, wishing you and your loved ones Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015!
Plane on a keyboard

Travel Winter IT Workshop: permanency – sign of skill

One man one day said: “Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent”. GP Solutions paraphrased it: “Perfect practice does make perfect and permanent” proving this by personal example. GP Solutions for the second time took the award “Best Tour Operator software” during the Travel Winter IT Workshop, Moscow that took place on the 29-th of October.

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