Press Room | GP Solutions - Part 15

Press Room - Page 15

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ITB Asia

GP Solutions Enters Asia Market

For the first time GP Solutions took part in ITB Asia 2011, the travel exhibition, held annually from 19 to 21 of October in Singapore. During the event GP Solutions showcased the main features of its multifunctional web-based platform  Travel Suite and customized solutions based on the platform to meet the specific needs of various industry players: tour operators, consolidators, online-agencies, meta search systems.
Map with pins

Exploring Germany with Chayka-Tour and GP Solutions

“Chayka-tour” entered the Russian travel market in 1994 and since then has become a real expert in Germany, helping tourists to explore this European country by now for more than 15 years. Be it excursion, gastronomic tour, business trip or vocation at alpine ski resort, “Chayka-tour” is always willing to offer the most beneficial and interesting option to every single traveler.
People run

Online Reservation System for National Information Resort Network (NIRN)

GP Solutions has successfully implemented an online reservation system for the National Information Resort Network (NIRN), which unites diverse means of accommodation, travel agencies and tour operators of Russia on the internet-portal
Plan flight

More Hotel Suppliers Integrated for “Visa Concord”

Working in the sphere of tourism for almost 20 years, “Visa Concord” company has established a reputation of a reliable supplier of train and air tickets, transfers, group and individual tours, insurance services.
Airplanes in the sky

New Business-rules Functionality for AB Club

Owing to this new feature, developed by GP Solutions company for the widely known Moscow tour operator AB Club, the possibility of flexible business-rules setup has been expanded.

Price Import for Biblio Globus

Russian tour operator Biblio Globus has been organizing vacations for more than 16 years. During this time the company has opened its branch offices in Russia and abroad and created well-developed infrastructure, providing high-quality service, appreciated by more than 700 000 Russian tourists who annually plan their holidays with Biblio Globus.
Jizo logo to Share Out Russian Travel Search Market

GP Solutions has successfully completed project, the efficient meta-search engine which is unique for the Russian travel search market and is deemed to become its new key player that will gain market share.

GP Solutions Integrates Suppliers for Pegas Tour

The company Pegas Tour is the largest tour operator in Chelyabinsk and one of the five major regional tourist companies in Russia. Achieving such a significant result would have been impossible without the use of the latest travel IT technologies and constant striving for the new.
Languages Thank you

SiteTalkTravel Now Speaks 16 World’s Languages

GP Solutions has fulfilled the translation of SiteTalkTravel for Calypso Travel, the Spanish tour operator. From now on GP Travel Enterprise can communicate in 16 world’s languages​​, including the European (English, Spanish, French, Italian and others) as well as the Asian ones (Japanese and Chinese).

Successful Integration: 1C Accounting Software Integrated for Vand International Tour

It is no secret that many Russian and CIS-based tour operators keep accounts with 1C system, thus they would like to use it also for billing their clients. GP Solutions has successfully integrated 1C into Travel Suite that enabled the employees of Vand International Tour to bill its clients with 1 C system for the orders made in the platform.

GP Solutions Integrated GP Travel Hub with ISO Travel Solutions

XML API consolidators become more and more popular among European travel companies. It’s time to say “NO” to paper work and price lists re-sending between companies! GP Solutions, a specialist in development of IT solutions for the travel industry, announces integration of GP Travel Hub with high-end software for tour operators of ISO Travel Solutions. Thanks to this cooperation travel companies can significantly increase the efficiency of their work and expand sales geography.
Man on the stage

Software People-2009, Moscow, Russia

The event is attended by over 300 specialists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Europe, and the United States. Participants of the conference include top-managers from world-renowned software development experts Microsoft, IBM, ScumTrek, Artics Internet Solutions, Usability Labs and others.

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